We are the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI)

We are answerable to the Ministry of Defence and work closely with different bodies of the Spanish Administration, including other law enforcement agencies. Our work is always subject to strict scrutiny and oversight by the Government, the Parliament and the Judiciary.
We strive to protect Spanish citizens against different types of threats on a daily basis. We try to keep one step ahead of the threats, by gathering information and processing Intelligence in order to support authorities in their decision-making.
We believe that Intelligence is the best defence available to our society.
the CNI
the CNI
We work to protect the interests of Spain and Spaniards
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Not just a job:
a lifestyle
a lifestyle
The World
of the CNI
of the CNI
Oficina Nacional de Seguridad
Oficina Nacional de Seguridad
Ensuring the protection of classified information
Centro Criptológico Nacional
Centro Criptológico Nacional
national cyber security
national cyber security