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Ir a la web del Ministerio de Defensa

Cooperate with the CNI

If you think that your skills, knowledge, professional activity or access to specific people or information can contribute to the security of Spain in the context of the missions entrusted to the CNI, you can offer your collaboration, or provide your information by contacting us using the following form.

The Centre will guarantee maximum confidentiality, analyse your personal offer or the specific information provided. The CNI will appreciate your willingness and capacity to contribute to the defence of the interests of Spain, and the security of Spanish citizens, inside and outside our borders.

If you have any information to which you believe an immediate response should be given because it poses an imminent threat to persons or property, and it is related to terrorism, organised crime or other types of risks of a similar nature, do not hesitate to contact the State law enforcement bodies as soon as possible.

Collaboration form
Please let us know your name.
Please let us know your name.
Select your country of birth.
Select your current nationality.
Select document type.
Select ID document.
Please let us know your email address.
Enter place of residence.
Enter your profession.
Enter contact telephone number.
Enter address.
Enter your scope of collaboration.
Select attach file.
Please let us know your message.

Required fields marked with (*).

Enlace a la web del Ministerio de Defensa
Logo CNI, Centro Nacional de Inteligencia